No ads, no asking for money, nothing to sell, non-denominational, non-judge mental.
No ads, no asking for money, nothing to sell, non-denominational, non-judge mental.
The Night That Changed My Life.
In 1968, I was just starting my hitch in the Navy and was based in Millington, Tennessee, near Memphis. My days were filled with classes in electronics. My nights were boring. My weekends, however, were a time of adventure. All day Saturday I would walk around the downtown area exploring. One Saturday I walked by a storefront that was marked, "Christian Servicemen's Center". When I looked in the window, I could see girls. At that time, there were few girls on a Navy base, and I was just one of several thousand sailors. Talking to a girl would be a real treat.
I went in and found the Center offered coffee, baloney sandwiches, and girls to talk to. I served myself and sat down at a table with several guys and a couple of girls. I can't remember what we talked about. Just general chitchat I imagine. Then, I found out that every Saturday night they would take the sailors who were staying overnight to the Youth for Christ rally, then come back to the Servicemen's Center for a party. The next weekend I packed my shaving kit and took the bus to downtown Memphis. At the rally, they played upbeat choruses and songs, which I enjoyed. Then, a man got up to preach. He held my attention, but I don't recall what he said.
Back at the Center, the local church people brought in food and desserts, and there were many more girls to talk to.
At some point during the night, a minister named Mike Pearl started talking to me about asking Christ into my heart. I really only half listened, but then we went to a quiet place, and he had us kneel and asked me to ask Jesus into my heart. Now, I had myself in a very uncomfortable situation. I was just being polite to Mike letting him talk about God, and now he wanted me to talk to God. I didn't know whether there was a God or not, but if there was I didn't want to make Him mad by lying to Him. So, I thought it over for a minute and prayed something like this, "God, if you exist and Jesus died for me, please come into my heart."
After saying this indecisive prayed, I looked over at Mike and said, "I don't feel any different." He asked, did I really meant the prayer, and I told him I did, but I didn't feel any different. We went around and around. Finally frustrated, Mike gave me several pamphlets that talked about Jesus and told me if I could give these to people and tell them I asked Jesus into my heart, then I would know whether I really did or not.
Picture if you will downtown Memphis at ten o'clock at night on Saturday. There were very few people around, and I found I was too scared to talk to anyone. Then, I saw a fellow sitting on a park bench with his back to me. I came up to him and in a rush of words said, "Tonight I asked Jesus to come into my heart and it is great!" I didn't mean to say it was great. It just came out. He turned around and told me that was great, and that his father was a preacher. However, my focus was on what I was feeling. It really was great. I couldn't stop smiling.
This was over fifty years ago, and it's been quite a journey going through life with Jesus at my side. My closeness with Jesus has waxed and waned, I have wandered off into sin at times, to my hurt and the hurt to those close to me. There have also been sweet times of close fellowship with Jesus. However, no matter where I was, Jesus was always close to me, loving me, and drawing me back to Him.
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